Sunday, May 1, 2011

Happy May!!

I am so happy that May is finally here. We all know the saying April showers brings May flowers and since we have had a ridiculous amount of rain we should have an abundant amount of flowers. My favorite May flowers are lilacs. They are a Mother's Day tradition for my family and mean a lot to me, I planted a lilac bush last year and am thrilled to have my first bloom on my very first Mothers day (Kinsey said I get to celebrate even though my bun is still in the oven and I'm not going to argue). I feel like my first bloom is a little gift from my mawmaw.
May is also big in this household because it's also birthday-palooza. Everyone in this house has a birthday; starting with Kinsey turning the big 30 now I know that 30 isn't that old but I like to tease and say that he's going to be a grandpa before actually being a dad, then 2 days later my fur baby Mr. Brody is turning 5, and ending the month with my 27th. If that wasn't enough I have 3 family birthdays in May as well. There will be a lot of cake eating for this mama for sure!

I continued to be reminded of the blessings God has given me and I am looking forward to May : )